This would be a wonderful template for building a restaurant website or blog. It has an awesome magazine layout, so it would work great for a unique polished feminine blog design as well.

If you're looking for a great portfolio/blog template, this is the one. It is a very simple and professional design with a grid layout, but leaves room for blogging. It has integrated related posts area that will keep readers attention on your blog. This one would be great for a photographer or graphic designer to showcase their work on blogger without sacrificing design style.

If you've been thinking about music blogging or creating a music magazine online, this template should pique your curiosity. It has a warm earthy feel, with just enough grunge to make it interesting. With post titles integrated into the post preview images, it brings in a modern feel with some nice background texture to accent it's simplicity.

A clean personal blogging template that would also work well for a music or business blog. It's simplicity really makes the post content stand out. If you're looking for a minimal theme, this one will definitely give your blogspot blog a polished look.

This metro design blogger template is a hot one for tech bloggers. The navigation buttons and drop downs for categories and featured posts section are top notch. Definitely a must see!

The flat UI design style is definitely on trend right now. If you're looking for a gallery style layout with a bit more color than the minimal designs, this one should do the trick. It is a great start for showcasing your design work online, without sacrificing style.

Notify is another minimal template in flat UI design style. It features a wide post image area to showcase your photography or design work. The scrolling sidebar area is great for special featured content. This template is simply awesome!

This blogger theme author definitely has an eye for flat UI design. The layout looks clean and polished with a very clean grid style magazine content area. It is also responsive, so it will look great on mobile devices.

Another great portfolio template that would also work great for a fashion blog. The blog area has bold attention getting headlines and integrated related posts area to keep your readers engaged.

Wordie is a classic magazine style 2 column blogger template that would work great for blogging about topics such as eco and green living. The navigational menus offer lots of room for many topic categories. It's definitely a superb and polished style design for those interested in starting out a professional blog, or giving their current blog a crisp and refreshing makeover.

Want to blog about lookbook, fashion or style trends? This premade blogger template will give you a jump start on a polished look on blogger, absolutely for free. SoraTemplates is a fabulous blogger template designer who creates layouts comparable to wordpress themes. You must see this one to fully appreciate it.

Yorksire is a great template that is simply designed for a personal or business blog. It features rich red highlights in contrast with muted tones, to exhibit your posts and make them striking.

The layout design on this one is so organized, you can't tell if it's a wordpress or blogger blog. It's actually really surprising that this theme is free. There are even different layouts for the home page and blog page. The blog gadget area has a nice skinny long spot for skyscraper ads or small horizontal sponsor ads. With a super organized home page content area that offers a spot for featured posts, you'll be looking like a five star professional blogger in no time. This one is definitely on trend.
Minimum is a fabulous responsive SEO ready blogger template with a focus on call to action, social media and typography. If you're a serious writer, this combines the best of these worlds into a great theme that is responsive, mobile ready and has a great sitemap layout for a significant SEO impact. In addition to this, you can feature email subscriptions, a product or service easily on every page.

The eCommerce Blogger templates are really starting to evolve nicely. If you've ever considered opening up your own shop, but didn't want to spend the extra money on web development or seller fees, this one is a great alternative. Site owners can add products and integrate them with paypal and a shopping cart easily right on google's blogspot hosting! To read the blog post about it, use Chrome browser to translate Indonesian. This one is absolutely a must see! The image hover text effects are styley!

Exposure is a meticulously well designed premium blogger template available on themeforest. It's unique navigation button when pressed, pops out a tablet friendly menu. The alternating icon on the left side contains a slide-out for social links.

BPress is a blogger template made with the serious blogger in mind. Featuring breaking news rotating banner under the menu, and meticulously designed news and footer column areas, this template means business. It is packed with sweet modern hover and fade effects

Warm Mag is another serious premium blogger template specifically geared for those who already have, or wish to establish a proficient blogging presence with blogger. From elegant drop down navigation menus, right down to the numbered pagination, this template emanates readability and a streamlined professional approach.
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